

Metaphysical Workbook Series


I have joyously created 6 workbooks co-existing under the banner of Into the Wild: The Transformative Power of Nature.

Each workbook has been lovingly created by 6 of the Nature Beings I have worked with in The Nature Oracle Deck.  They include Earth Angel, Wise Fairies, Ocean Deva, Water Nymphs, Lemurians, and Earth Sage.

It is intended that each Workbook will further your education in metaphysics.

Metaphysics teaches you the techniques to step away from the mass consciousness of victimhood; to enter a new world of achievable goals for creating a Soulful life, in harmony with the lores of nature. And in recognition of your courage for choosing to be human at this time on Earth.

The first Workbook -Into the Wild: The Transformative Power of Prayer is FREE for those who subscribe to my mailing list!

Workbook 1

This Workbook has been designed to create more ease and comfort in your life as you develop your individual concept of praying.

This process will provide the encouragement you may require to appreciate the metaphysical nature of your reality; a reality that is abundantly intelligent, deeply kind and knows with certainty that you are here to inspire others on the path to Soul illumination.

Committing to self in this way is a great kindness to give to oneself, and in doing so encourages acts of kindness that you will inevitably want to extend to others.

I trust you will journey this Workbook with ease and grace. Letting go of any resistance that may try to thwart your path as you seek to develop a prayer life that bests serves you, and in turn will serve the many you love and care for.


Workbook 2 - COMING SOON!

Introducing the Wise Fairies.

The Wise Fairies are dedicated to healing the wounded child that exists in all of us. Their purpose is to free us from the constraints that limit our imagination, creativity, and the ability to experience the joy of being human.

Their love for us is unconditional and eternal.