The Nature Oracle Deck

The Nature Oracle Deck
The Nature Oracle: Healing Messages from Earth, Sea, Stars and Sky is a collection of living energy messages channelled directly from Nature, Light, and Star Spirits. Channelled by Claire Swinney with beautiful artwork from Pia Jane Bijkerk, the 30 cards and guidebook are a map to finding balance within ourselves and with the Earth.
Representing the Earth Mother, Nature Beings respond to humanity ’s time of crisis and our increased longing for connection with natural environments. These loving Spirit friends are reaching out to reconnect us to our original purpose: to experience joyful, free lives in harmony with our Earth Mother.
Working with these cards will help you: awaken your intuition and ability to manifest your dreams; enhance your ability to find true healing in Nature; and awaken your soul’s purpose for being here on Earth.
Pre-Orders shipped mid December 2023.